Sunday, July 18, 2010

I heart Sundays!

What a glorious way to cap off a great weekend. After sleeping 10+ hours last night (tired, much??) DZ and I went down to our fav spot, Lido Beach, hit up Whole Foods (literally, my heart skips a beat when I walk through the doors) and came home to hang with our pups. I am so looking forward to spending this week really getting down and dirty with my blog. What's to come: recipes (or at least what I throw together in my mad-scientist-kind-of-way), workouts (Pilates and otherwise) and information that will hopefully be helpful to those out there reading along. Please let me know if there is anything on your mind or what you'd like to see from this blog. I am aiming to update throughout each day so feel free to shoot any questions and/or comments my direction. I'd LOVE to hear from you!

A few things that you MUST know about me:

1. I am a NUT about nutrition/working out. It is truly my passion to life a healthy life. I am ever-evolving in my eating habits (refuse to use the word "diet"), workouts (although Pilates is my rock) and inner peace!
2. My husband, DZ, is my biggest fan. He loves me, crazy and all!
3. We have two great danes, Tucker and Ziggy. They rock our world!!
4. Living in The Sunshine State has shown me how much of a water-baby I truly am. Getting to see the ocean every single day is a gift and one that I do not take for granted!!
5. My favorite saying: CARPE DIEM!!

This is my first post, so please bear with me. I am a newbie and am learning as I go. I hope to post pics (LOVE taking food pics, so will be doing that as well). I recently purchased a dehydrator and am super excited about the shenanigans that are going to take place with that.

Happy Sunday...Carpe Diem!


1 comment:

  1. Seriously, as I am sitting here reading all of your blogs I've come to realize that we are one in the are my soul sister! I'm pretty sure we've been separated at birth. Minus the dogs, everything you say is true for me! I'm pretty sure I need to move to Tampa and be your workout, Whole Foods, beach going girl for life! xo
