So yesterday was a ridiculously fantastic day. Any day that starts off at church is a good day. Good music. Good people. Good sermon. It's all good.
We then took advantage of the GORGEOUS day and continued our tradition of spending Sundays at the beach. We try to mix it up and rotate the places that we visit, but we inevitably end up towards the Sarasota area. Anna Maria Island was the paradise-of-choice and it did NOT disappoint! B-E-A-utiful!!

We have to remind ourselves that we actually LIVE here....we are truly blessed!
This is my "Anxiety? What anxiety?!?" face!! Being at the beach is pretty much my therapy!

For those of you who are not familiar with my little-to-be-desired work schedule, I am revising it. No more traveling back and forth, but rather getting there early, working my tail off and leaving early. Welcome to owning your own business, Katie. It's about time you start enjoying the fruits of your labor. Who knows, perhaps this will give me more time to, oh I don't know, BLOG PERHAPS?? You could only be so lucky!
I'm hoping that this week gives us some more sunny weather. I might have to make a solo beach trip during the week for some R&R. Also looking forward to hitting up Grassroots at some point, the outlet mall, and Eat, Pray, Love. Busy, busy week.
I haven't been taking too many food pics lately and for good reason. First of all, they really haven't been anything to write home about and secondly...I'm kind of playing around with my diet. Figuring out some intolerances that I am having and hoping that a few tweaks here and there will do the trick.
I hope that everyone has a great week....I am hoping to be back on tomorrow. No promises. If the sun is out, lying poolside trumps blogging ANYDAY. What can I say, I'm a water baby!
Carpe Diem!
Oh how I would love to have a Sunday tradition of going to the beach. LOL Sounds like you're doing well. Hope the week treated you nicely.