Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bad Ziggys

While I was cooking dinner this evening, I was so proud of my boys for being so well-behaved and quietly lying in the living room keeping to themselves. Or so I thought............

This is part of a strap that belongs to my reformer ("Pilates machine"). Apparently Ziggy is going through his Terrible Two's and has been getting into EVERYTHING. Be it my reformer, laundry, flip flops (one of mine is still missing!!) or even a bar of raspberry scented soap, he continues to challenge authority! Kids will be kids, I guess!

...onto the juicy goodness of my Thursday. Food!! I'm starting to get a little better at taking pictures of my meals, but my breakfast this morning was oatmeal that was eaten in the car on my way to work. Safety first....don't think I would've been able to talk myself out of a ticket on that one had I been pulled over (which those who know me, know that I would most certainly been pulled over! haha).

Lunch was eaten at this kick a** little vegan/raw cafe. I'm not at that confidence level just yet where taking pics of my grub in a public venue is cool.....bare with me, I'll get there! However, the Sabrina's Favorite Sandwich and House Salad that I had was bangin'. I crave their food and eat there about three times a week. It's gotten so bad that when I walk through the doors, they give me a wave and write down my words needed!!

I did get to go to the gym. Didn't run as planned, but did a great 45-minute workout on the elliptical. I had already done TRX with one of my clients this morning and didn't realize how fatigued my quads were until I got on the treadmill. Yup, no running for Katie!

Dinner was something I whipped up in a jiffy, but came out pretty descent. Pasta salad with angel hair noodles, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, green beans, broccoli and scallions. That's some beanie goodness if you ask me. :) I skipped out on the pasta for my serving and added some Annie's Goddess Dressing, dried edamame and Nutritional Yeast. Yum-O!!

Dessert is half of a "Rawnola" bar that I get at that same little cafe where lunch was served. It's got coconut in it, which isn't my fav but it's raw and only 2 grams of sugar (natural sugar I might add) so it feeds my sweet tooth perfectly!

Now it's time to relax with my DZ and answer some emails. I hope everyone has a Fabulous Friday. Carpe Diem!! xo


  1. Am I also crazy? or did you not include the name of said excellent raw cafe? Do tell : )
    Thanks for the @ss-kicking this morning! Enjoy your day KZ!

  2. What did DZ eat ?
