Thursday, July 22, 2010


Thank Gosh It's ALMOST Friday!!

For some reason, this week has been ridonculously long!! I'm not sure if it's because Mallory is out for the week and so I have been covering a bit for her or because it's 500 degrees outside and this heat just makes every minute drag by, but I cannot tell you how excited I am to have the weekend upon us.

I apologize for the lack of postage yesterday -- was in a "bum" mood and frankly, just didn't have anything too nice to say . And you know what mom always said, "If you can't say anything nice....."

On an interesting note, I used my dehydrator for the first time yesterday. Made Sun-Dried Tomatoes (or would they be Dehydrator-Dried Tomatoes?!?). They had to set for about 8 hours and I didn't think that through when I put them in so come 2:30am this morning, I had to get up, come downstairs and take my tomatoes out of the dehydrator and put them in an air-tight container so they wouldn't go bad. I was pretty impressed, though....


Not too bad, eh?

On to some other news....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BUBBA!! I was able to talk to him this morning and he sounded SO good!! I miss him like crazy so every chance that I get to hear his voice is special. He was telling me that the highlight of his day was when he went to Chili's and a bunch of Korean waiters sang their version of the birthday song to him. It sounded a little something like this (enter Brithday-song music),

"Birthday, Birthday, Birthday.....

Birthday, Birthday, Birthday.....

Birthday, Birthday, Birthday...

Birthday, Birthday, Birthday!!!!"

(along w/ the clapping of hands and the banging of a tamborine!!). teeheehee!! LOVE!

My plan for the rest of the day is to go to the gym and attempt to get a good run in....I need it bad!! It just makes me feel soo much better when I've sweat! And to be quite honesty, I have two mischevious pups on my hands right now that are driving me nutso!

I will be back on tonight....going to log what I've eaten. It's been a yummy day of foodie if I must say so. Can't wait to share!!

Carpe Diem!

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